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Lush Acres

Thank you for your interest.

Residential units at Lush Acres are fully sold.

*Disclaimer: Reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this website, but the developer does not warrant the accuracy of the information in this website. To the extent permissible by law, the statements, information and depictions in this website may not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact, offers or warranties (whether expressly or impliedly) by the developer or the developer’s agents and they are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of the housing units. In particular, visual representations such as pictures and drawings are artists’ impressions only, and are not representations of fact. The brand, colour and model of all materials, fittings, equipment, finishes, installations and appliances supplied shall be provided subject to the developer’s architect’s selection, market availability and the sole discretion of the developer. All information contained in this website are current at the time of publication, and are subject to such changes as are required by the relevant authorities or the developer. The floor areas stated in the website are approximate measurements and subject to final survey.